About Our Office:

The Tok Legislative Information Office is here to serve Tok, Border City, Tetlin, Eagle, Northway, Chicken, Dot Lake, Tanacross, Mentasta and everyone living inbetween. Our office provides services such as, but not limited to: Email and hard copy office newsletters, Legislative teleconference schedules, Alaska law and bill information, Legislator's contact info and committee lists, Personal Opinion Messages, Governor's Office contact information, Ability to watch/listen/participate to/in meetings, Permanent Fund Dividend Applications and support, Informative Alaska handouts, pamphlets and forms.


Contact Information:

1314 Alaska Highway Located Between NAPA and The Denali Bank PO Box 845
Tok, AK 99780

855-883-5020/toll free

[email protected]

vacant - Information Officer

Office Hours:
